Empowering The Ballroom Scene For a Brighter Future.

Education. Unity. Service. Creativity

The Central Florida Ballroom Collective is a corporation dedicated to fostering Education, Unity, Service, and Creativity. Our mission is to preserve and celebrate the cultural artistry of ballroom, uplift the talented artists who make this community vibrant, and create spaces that inspire and empower LGBTQ+ individuals and their allies in Central Florida.

We are committed to educating and cultivating a thriving community by providing educational workshops on life and business skills, access to resources and networks that promote social mobility, and funding for projects and events that enrich the ballroom scene. Additionally, we strive to offer safe and inclusive spaces where individuals can express their creativity, build meaningful connections, and elevate their quality of life unapologetically.

This pioneering project addresses the inequities within our intersectional community by focusing on Financial Empowerment, Health, and Wellbeing. Its aim is to close the racial wealth gap, civically engage our community, educate the community on best health practices, and connect them to resources to improve quality of life, all while creating safe spaces for them to thrive.

Project Ballroom+U

“Legends master their craft, but Icons transcend by giving back to their community."

— Cadin Small, Co-Founder


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
